Saturday, May 9, 2009

Search Search Search...Search your booty

So, I had to search any phrase or word and compare the results from Copernic and from Google (my search engine of choice). I went ahead and typed in M.Ward Tour Dates. He's a Portland based troubadour who makes excellent music and is a finger picking devil with the guitar. Last time I saw him play here in Perth was about two or three years ago so decided to search him up to see if there were any Australian tour dates imminent.

Google search returned 214,000 results, with being the first one up, which is pretty good as that is his record label's official page for him.

Copernic returned 62 results (!?!) with the first one being completely off base, as it was:

1.Online Dating
Find Online Dating Sites Fast! Compare Hot Singles Online!
Sponsored by: [Found on Ads by]

Although Google had a lot more results, apart from the above woeful result by Copernic the rest were all quite relevant, with #2 on Copernics results being:

2. M. Ward Tour Dates and Concert Tickets I...
Get the latest M. Ward tour dates and concert ticket information. Find up-to-date info on tour schedules, concert announcements and buy M. Ward concert tickets online. [Found on Windows Live, Yahoo! Search]

That's a lot better, but Google also returned similar results without the Online Dating misstep.

On first glance it seeemed like Google gave me the best results, as it listed M.Ward's record label's official site first instead of an Online Dating service, and also had much much more results, including guitar tabs and so forth while Copernic seemed to have a lot more irrelevant results which were links to other companies and services that had little to do with M.Ward's actual music.

All in all, I can't see Copernic becoming my first choice as a search engine, too slow, too few results and too many advertisement links.

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