Tuesday, March 17, 2009

5 tips for new bloggers

OK, this is actually my first ever blog but I have a large number of blogs which I like to read on daily basis so I'll just try and point out the good qualities that make me go back to them.

1. Keep the design nice and simple.

2. Try and update on a regular basis.

3. Don't make the posts too long, sometimes good content can be overlooked if the reader does not feel like trawling through twenty seven paragraphs.

4.Provide links to relevant (or not so relevant) external sources that may be of interest ( that's how I've stumbled across most of my favourite websites)

5. Be creative and enjoy it, everyone loves a laugh.


  1. Hi Jose,

    Good start to your first blog.

    Heidi :)

  2. Hi Jose, like your 5th tip :) Bee

  3. Hi Jose,
    Your blog is looking good so far! I agree with your 3rd tip, I find that when I am looking through everyones blogs that if there are posts that are LOOONG I tend to over look them moreso then the shorter posts. But if the heading catches my eye I will start reading the post even if it is long.
    Keep up the good work!
    Jo :)
